A beautifully handcrafted bouquet made from felt flowers, giving an elegant and timeless look.
Beautifully crafted felt flower bouquets for Teacher's Day, wrapped with love and care.
Availability: In Stock
A handmade bouquet featuring felt flowers, including a black rose and purple accents.
A beautiful bouquet of felt flowers including a sunflower, blue rose, purple rose, and other flowers.
A bouquet of felt flowers featuring red and white flowers, wrapped in black and red paper.
A beautiful bouquet made of felt flowers including red roses and other floral elements.
Availability: In Stock
A beautiful arrangement of yellow and royal blue felt flowers in a white pot, adorned with a burlap bow.
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Check out Felt Florist on Instagram for some blooming fun! They specialize in handcrafted felt flowers that never wilt. Perfect for forever-lasting bouquets and unique handmade gifts! 🌻🌹